Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Much of the difference between ordinary and extraordinary lives is simply a matter of effort"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"The fates lead him who will; him who won't they drag."

- Seneca

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"I got a bird that whistles, I got a bird that sings"

- Bob Dylan

Friday, June 10, 2011

"It is not from space that I must seek my dignity, but from the government of my thought  I shall have no more if I possess worlds.  By space the universe encompasses and swallows me up like an atom; by thought I comprehend the world."

- Blaise Pascal, Pensées

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"The secret, I don't know.  I guess you just gotta find something you love to do and then do it for the rest of your life.  For me, it's going to Rushmore."

-Max Fischer
"Fortune favors the bold"

- Virgil

Sunday, May 1, 2011

"The sublimity connected with vastness is familiar to every eye."

- James Fenimore Cooper

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"I just put my feet in the air and move them around"

- Fred Astaire

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends."

- Walt Whitman

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"When I do good, I feel good.  When I do bad, I feel bad.  That is my religion."

- Abraham Lincoln

Monday, March 7, 2011

"Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead."

- Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"To me a lunch hour isn't an hour, it's a state of mind."

- Kids in the Hall

Monday, February 28, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"I have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of them; and I believe they both get paid in the end; but the fools first."

- Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

- Confucius

Monday, February 7, 2011

"If only God would give me some clear sign!  Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."

- Woody Allen

Friday, January 28, 2011

"If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes."

- Pablo Picasso

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

- Carl Sagan

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are."
- Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Words, words, words.  They're all we have to go on."

- Tom Stoppard

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Turn a mountain upside down, you have a woman. Turn a woman upside down, you have a valley. Turn a valley upside down, you get folk music."

- Tom Robbins

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"I once shot an elephant in my pajamas.  How he got into my pajamas I'll never know."

- Groucho Marx

Saturday, January 1, 2011

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

- Issac Newton